Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Adventures in Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is a weekly chore that neither Michael nor I particularly enjoy, but it must be done, so why belly ache about it. We try to make it interesting. For example, when I'm starting to get tired and frustrated, which usually happens somewhere around the cereal isle because I want Cookie Crisp or Cap'n Crunch and he insists on getting something healthy like Cheerios, he will often break the tension by countering some smart ass remark of mine by saying, too loudly, "Okay, we'll get Cap'n Crunch. Just don't hit me again!" That's really funny if you don't happen to be an elderly woman passing us in the isle who doesn't know us and only sees a frightened man and a pissed off looking blind woman.
So anyway, we were at the grocery store last night, and before we even got inside, we saw two ducks playing in a puddle in the parking lot. It really was precious. Precious too were the two toddlers yelling "Ducky!" and clapping and laughing as they watched them. Really sweet. It became less sweet however as they remained two isles behind us during the entire time we shopped, still shouting, "Ducky!"
Then Michael saw a really, really pregnant woman (he notices them now) and said, "Wow, she's really huge. And she's Indian. And she's in the ice cream isle. I guess that transcends cultures."
Ice cream, the great unifier.
Then as we were leaving the store, he saw another pregnant woman and said, "They're everywhere."
"Yes," I said, "we're multiplying."

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