Friday, April 25, 2008

Fair Weather Randomness

Michael and I were out together at midday yesterday, something that almost never happens through the week. I talked him into staying home and we went out to lunch and enjoyed the humidity-free warm day. We had a great time and made some interesting discoveries.
1. It takes less time to buy a car than to renew a cell phone contract. Seriously, we spent more time, went to more places, and got more sales person Bullshit while getting Michael a new cell phone than we endured when we bought our last car.
2. Women drive the economy. Almost everywhere we went, Michael was the only man in the place. There was one student on a laptop taking advantage of the free wifi at the cafe where we had lunch, but other than him, Michael was it. It leads me to the conclusion that in a lot of cases, stay-at-home moms do not stay at home. They are at BN or Kohl's or Target. I must admit that I am fascinated by stay-at-home moms. I don't know why, but I wonder about them-- what they do, how they live, etc. I wonder if there is some SAHM code of conduct to follow. The cafe we had lunch at has an indoor playground for kids, so we expected to see lots of moms there, and we did. One woman was in sweat pants and flip flops and her daughter was in shorts and sandals. That makes perfect sense to me. Then another woman, dressed in a pant suit, came in with her little girl in a sun dress and floppy hat-- to have lunch and slide on the slide. I don't get it. I realize that what I am trying to do is generalize a very diverse group, but they puzzle me.
3. This was just funny. Michael said, "I just don't understand people." I inquired what he was referring to and he said there was a woman sitting on the curb in front of her car outside the AT&T store, and clipping her toenails. WTF! I cannot think of a situation that would necessitate this action, but whatever.
So that's just a bit of Friday randomness from me. Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Treen said...

SAHM's puzzle me too. I try to picture what it's like when I babysit, and then multiply that into all day every day, and then at the end of the day when everybody comes home you're still doing the same thing. It makes me want to have a panic attack. I have several friends that lust after the few days that they get to come into work. And as much as I love those places, there's really only so many times you can wander around Kohl's or Target in a week.

I can't imagine waiting to get a new phone and then going "Man, I NEED to clip my toenails". When I worked at a steak sandwich place with a drive through, women would sometimes pull up and actually be plucking at their chin hairs with tweezers while I was handing them their food. How disgusting is that?

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