Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Things I am Grateful for

Yes, Thanksgiving is closer than you think. Look at a calendar if you don't believe me, but be prepared for a shock.
I have a lot to be grateful for. I know because every morning while I'm brushing my teeth or washing my face, I go over a list of five things that I am grateful for each day. Some mornings, I'm just grateful that I had the strength or courage to get out of bed and some mornings I'm just grateful for my good night's sleep. Those days when I'm feeling less than grateful, I find that those are the days that I benefit most from listing things I'm grateful for, because it's easy to forget, to get caught up in what's not right in our lives rather than focus on what is. So now, before this gets too Dr. Philish, here are thirteen of the things I am grateful for.

1. Michael-- This is always #1 on my list. I am grateful everyday that he is safe and healthy and that he loves me. Not a bad way to start off one's day, huh?
2. Garnet-- She is my retired guide dog, so our bond goes beyond the human/pet relationship. She is thirteen years old, and I am grateful everyday that she is still in good health and wants to play. She's gotten somewhat surly in her old age, but she'd probably say the same of me.
3. That I am pregnant-- This is a quite recent addition to the list.
4. Running water-- Like I said, I often run through this list while I'm brushing my teeth. Indoor plumbing, when you think about it, is really something to be glad about. I realize it's not a necessity, but ... well okay, I'm a sissy, so yes, it is a necessity for me. I don't think I could live if I had to pee outside.
5. The internet-- It's maybe not as critical to my existence as indoor plumbing, but it's pretty close.
6. Chocolate
7. My house-- It's a good, sturdy house, one that our growing family will fit into just fine. It's nothing fancy or extravagant, but it's home.
8. Authors who tell stories that take me places.
9. Friends-- I have some very good ones and they keep me sane, which Molly will tell you is a thankless job.
10. My imagination-- It keeps me entertained.
11. Wall-to-wall carpeting-- I'm clumsy, you see.
12. Laughing out loud-- I hardly ever laugh at things that are designed to make me laugh, slapstick comedy for example, but I really love it when somebody says something completely random and everybody just sort of looks at each other and then the group as a whole just breaks into hysterics that go on and on for so long that when the laughter finally tapers off, nobody remembers why they were laughing in the first place, which makes you start laughing all over again. I love moments like that because you can carry them with you the rest of the day, and no matter what happens, you can pull up that memory and you can't help but smile.
13. I am grateful that Thanksgiving is coming soon because it is one of my favorite holidays. There is no pressure to buy anything, and Michael and I really like to cook for people. Some of our favorite memories are from Thanksgivings spent in the kitchen, cooking and making fun of the commentators for the Macy's parade. And when the parade is off, we'll flip through the channels until we (Okay, until I) find It's a Wonderful Life, which I force Michael to watch, which he grumbles about, but he's as happy as I am by the end.


Anonymous said...

Nice Thursday post! I love Thursdays because Earl, the Office, Greys Anatomy, and ER are all on! That means no laundry after 7:30! I have posted my thursday blog come on over and visit!


Treen said...

I think that being pregnant gives you an excellent excuse to buy ugly, ubercomfy shoes that stretch with you. I got the slipper/moccasin things from Target that I can't stop wearing. They're warm and they're fuzzy on the inside so you have room to stretch and they're backless. I have big cable-knit slides that I love too.

I would die without running water too. I would never be able to make it without modern conveniences.

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