Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I have not been attending to my blog lately, and Molly is making me look bad because she is blogging everyday. My problem is that there is just so much to do right now, and the only thing I'm up for is napping. I need to be writing. I need to be knitting both holiday gifts and baby stuff. I need to be bargain shopping for Christmas. I need to be planning events and menus. I need to be working on some upgrades to the house, which need to get done fairly soon. And now I need a nap from making this list of all the things I need to do.
Do you ever get so overwhelmed with stuff that you become capable of nothing but sitting trance-like and staring into nothingness? That's me right now, and it is a particularly bad time for me to go all spacey. I know that more than anything, I just need to get into a habit of getting stuff done, but it's that first step that is the hardest. But now that I have sufficiently moaned about my state of slackerdom, then perhaps I can put the slacking behind me. The first step is to admit you have a problem, right?

1 comment:

Molly said...

Pregnancy brain. It's a iron-plated bee-otch.

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