Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Places I'd like to visit.

1. Cornwall-- Specifically the ruins of Tintagel, the Cornish castle that legend has it is where King Arthur was conceived.
2. Ireland-- My family comes from County Tyrone, so I'd like to visit there.
3. Scotland-- Since I'll already be in England and Ireland, why not visit Scotland too? And let's throw in Wales while we're at it.
4. The Languedoc region of France-- Because of its link to Templar history. And from what I've read, it is a truly beautiful part of the world.
5. Turkey
6. The Swiss Alps
7. Iceland-- I have friends who are from there and it sounds fascinating- the history, the landscape, the folklore, just all of it.
8. Swaziland-- I had a friend in college who was a prince in Swaziland. No really, he was. He had a diplomatic immunity plate on his car and everything. He also had two wives and a girlfriend.
9. Chile-- My every reason for wanting to visit Chile has to do with Isabel Allende novels.
10. Northern California-- To see the Redwoods.
11. Nova Scotia-- So I can wear all the warm sweaters I've knitted.
12. Japan-- I love sushi!
13. The Moon-- I couldn't think of another one, so this was as good as any.

1 comment:

Molly said...

I forgot all about the Prince of Swaziland! I still think you should have tried to see what you could do about becoming the third wife to the Prince of Swaziland. I notice, by the way, you left Russia off your list.

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