Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Turning of the Wheel

Happy Halloween! Or Happy Samhain for those followers of the old ways. In Celtic lore, this is the time of year when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, allowing spirits to cross into this world and allowing us to get a glimpse into the other world. I realize a lot of people think things like scrying and Tarot are a bunch of mumbo jumbo, hocus pocus, or whatever, and that's fine that they think that. As for me, I do believe this day is one of mystery and magic. On this day last year, I did a Tarot reading to show me the upcoming year. That reading supplied the name for this blog, because in the outcome position of the Celtic cross spread, I drew the Empress card, which wasn't a card I identified much with at that time. A lot of the other cards could be read as baby, mothering, or birth cards. At that time, a baby was the last thing I wanted. My, how things change. I don't know if that Tarot reading was predicting the future or helping me to realize my hidden desire. Either way, there was magic and mystery in that reading because here I am, one year later, pregnant with my first child. Since this night is traditionally a time to honor those who have passed over, I will be honoring my grandmother, who died in 1996. She gave birth to eleven healthy children, so I think this is a good time to reconnect with her.
However you choose to celebrate this day, I wish you all the magic in all the worlds.

1 comment:

Portia Da Costa said...

Saw your comment on Sven! Congratulations on your wonderful news!

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