Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: Things that Really Annoy Me

1. Diane Sawyer-- Really, I cannot stand her. She asks questions like, "So how did you feel when your child was violently murdered?" Well gee Diane, I bet it put something of a damper on her day. Good grief woman, quit fishing for melodrama already. You are just such an after school special.
2. When people tell me how incredibly busy they are-- If you have the time to tell me how busy you are, you probably aren't that busy.
3. Getting coupons in the mail the day before they expire-- This has been happening to us a lot lately, and really, I would have like that 10% off a breast pump.
4. Rap music blaring from a piece-of-shit car with rattley speakers-- Admittedly, I don't like being forced to listen to the musical selections of others while waiting at stoplights, no matter what the music is, but really, it does tend to be rap an overwhelming percentage of the time. And that rattley speaker noise just makes the roots of my hair hurt.
5. When people that I have not spoken to or thought about in more than a decade come up to me and say "Hey, I bet you don't know who I am, do you?" Well, you're an asshole, and that's pretty much all I need to know.
6. Disney-- I have adopted Molly's stand on Disney. Michael has been reading a story to the baby every night, and unfortunately the majority of the books we have so far are Disney. First, Bambi's mother got killed, then there was Pinocchio, then last night was the cruelty heaped on poor little Dumbo. I just couldn't handle it and we had to stop reading only a few pages in. I just can't take it when people are mean to babies right now. I'm very emotional just now. Disney, I hate you.
7. When our entire neighborhood decides to mow their lawns on Sunday morning-- It's loud, it stirs up my allergies, and it makes us feel guilty about the unruly weed field that is our yard.
8. Wow, looks like I've got some aggression issues today, huh?
9. When my local Barnes and Noble doesn't have a book I've been waiting for on the day of its release. Or worse, when they have the print book, but not the audio book. Or worse still, when the only audio book edition they have is abridged. I swear off our local Barnes and Noble on a monthly basis.
10. When it's cold and rainy in May-- We've been getting a lot of this lately.
11. When people offer to help with something and then seem surprised or even affronted when you actually give them something to do.
12. When visitors drop in without calling. I am likely to mistake you for a Jehovah's Witness if you visit without calling on a Saturday morning, and let me assure you, the ensuing scene will not be pretty.
13. Jehovah's Witnesses-- Really, does this one require an explanation?


Treen said...

Oh man, I know what you mean about Disney. My sister told my niece when she was little that Bambi's mom went to the store because she couldn't bear to tell her the truth.

Molly said...

What kind of sickos are working for Disney anyway? The Lion King? Yeah, Dad dies right in front of the baby lion. Very child-friendly.

However, Charlie and Lola on Playhouse Disney are incredibly cute. They're these little British siblings who have these unbelievably cute accents. Max has a crush on Lola. It's the only current disney thing I can really stand much of.

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