Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Good Day

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone who is celebrating. If you don't have a sweetheart, then by all means, get yourself a truly decadent dessert at the very least. Hell, I suggest you do that even if you do have a sweetheart. Today has just been a wonderful day so far. A coworker in our office got a ... well, I don't know what you call it, but her sweetie sent her a singing barber shop quartet as a Valentine, which was just great because the whole office got to enjoy it. How creative and sweet of him. After that, another coworker offered to make a breakfast run for the office, so a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel sandwich should be even now heading my way.
What else is surely heading my way is a lovely bouquet of Valentine's Day flowers. Michael always does a wonderful job of getting me the perfect bouquet, a different kind every time. I'm always surprised, even though I know they are coming. See, I don't leave such matters to chance. I know that a lot of women wait in eager anticipation to see if their sweetheart will send them flowers. That is so not my style. I know Michael will send me flowers because he is just perfect and thoughtful that way, but I also know that he doesn't always have the firmest grasp on what day of the month, or even day of the week it is. He relies on me for that kind of thing, and I oblige, even in matters of holidays. I told him two weeks ago that Valentine's Day was coming up and exactly what day it was on. Since then, I have given him two reminders-- at least. It's a system that works for us. Some might say that takes the romance out of it, but I say wait until you see my flowers.
Of course, the main event for today is my ultrasound, which should tell us whether we are having a boy or a girl. I am excited beyond belief about this, and I am not by nature an easily excitable person. I can count on one hand the number of times in my life I have jumped up and down in glee. That's not to say that I don't get extremely happy about things, just that I'm not what you'd call an outward emotion kind of girl. I feel awkward at ballgames or concerts because while the rest of the crowd is on its feet, yelling wildly, I sit there and smile, and I might clap softly. But this, this ultrasound, has got me grinning like an idiot and telling everybody I pass, "I get to find out what kind of Sprout I'm having today." It's very thrilling, our first look at our baby. Just wonderful.
So Happy Valentine's Day! And keep your fingers crossed that we get a good report on a healthy baby and get to find out whether it's a boy or a girl.


Molly said...

Make sure they give Michael the printouts from the ultrasound. We still have the first "picture" of Max on the refrigerator door. I also carried around an ultrasound picture of him for months after he was born.

And call me IMMEDIATELY. G-Mama Molly needs to know.

Treen said...

I tried desperately to convince my friend that she should send a barbershop quartet to her ex boyfriend's office, singing about him having an STD or something equally bad. She wouldn't.

Congratulations on whatever sprout is! How exciting for you. I know if I ever have kids I could never be the "let's keep it a surprise" sort of parent. I am notorious for my hate of surprises.

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