Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Bad Hair Day, with Love

I believe that I have solved the mystery of why women do not rule the world. It is because we are at the mercy of our hairdressers, those fickle, forgetful, easily distracted creatures who with one slice of the trimming shears can shape destinies, or destroy them. Melodrama? I assure you not. On Saturday, I got the worst haircut I have gotten since high school. I have naturally curly hair. When cut properly, it cascades down my back in lustrous waves and curls. When my haircut is not good, I get a swollen mass of frizz with a few feisty tendrils that leap outward, flame like. And this haircut is so bad, I'd actually love to have that mass of frizz. It would be an improvement. Currently, my hair is hanging in three very distinct, not at all blended, sections. Think 1992 grunge fallen on hard times. It is just hair, I know. It will grow back. Don't sweat the small stuff. This is what I keep telling myself, but so far, self is not buying it. I was in such misery last night that I was going to try cutting on my hair myself. I did not expect to do any real good, but at least the attempt would alleviate my feeling of helplessness.
Michael must have seen some gleam in my eye, because he very valiantly offered to do the cutting instead. Poor Michael. He really is a saint. A few years ago after my spinal cord surgery, he waxed my legs for me because I couldn't bend over to shave them. He regularly waxes my eyebrows now after seeing me suffer several hot wax burns from beauticians who were either incompetent or sadistic. And last night, with me standing naked in the shower, he cut my hair. Not drastically, just an attempt to undo the worst of the damage. I will still have to go somewhere, hopefully today, to get the layers shaped up properly, but at least I could come to work today without a hat.
So I'm trying to look on the bright side of this hair nightmare. This is just one more opportunity for me to realize and appreciate just how incredibly wonderful my husband is. And not a half bad hairdresser, come to that. So, I sure don't look like it just now, but I am a very lucky woman. Thanks Sweetie. What a trooper you are.


Molly said...

Oh wow. It's really that bad?

Treen said...

That's incredibly sweet. The fact that he can wax your eyebrows without waxing them off completely is pretty impressive too.

I'm always pretty laid back about hacking my hair off, since it is stick straight and it's pretty hard to mess up hair that wouldn't hold a curl even if I cemented it in, but I've gotten a few that were just TOO SHORT and it feels awful since there's nothing you can do to remedy short hair except watch it grow.

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