Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

I see a lot of other bloggers doing these sorts of lists about themselves, so I thought I'd join the party. If you read this and want to join in too, then go ahead and do your own Thursday Thirteen, and please link back to me, or link to yours in my comments. Oh, and since this isn't for assignment or anything, it might end up being a Thursday Eleven or something, but that just doesn't have the same ring, so we'll stick with a Thursday Thirteen list that may have eleven items. Or ten. Or fifteen.

Thirteen things I love about fall:
The smell of the air-- I love that clean, crisp smell, which is both a smell and a feel at the same time.
Warm socks-- Socks are my most favorite things in the world. I have tons of them. My favorite pair is pink and grey and I love them best because Michael knitted them for me last year. Yes, my husband knits. When I started learning, he joined in too because he is just supercool that way.
Pumpkin bread-- Or pumpkin anything really: Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin soup, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin pie, pumpkin pudding (Insert Bubba Gump voice here.)
Knitting-- I knit year round, but it just feels all cozy and homey to knit when it's colder.
Hot chocolate
Football games
Halloween, also known as Samhain in the old Celtic tradition.
Walking in a nearby nature park
Major League Baseball play-offs-- The Cubs just might be there this time.
The season's first pot of chili-- Autumn isn't officially here until Michael fixes that first pot of chili. Though we are vegetarian, chili just isn't chili without ground beef, so we break our no-meat rule for chili. Mmmmm, can't wait.
Sleeping with the windows open-- It's hell on my allergies, but I love it.
I have never had surgery during the fall. Every other season, sure. Practically every other month, but never September-December.
Fleece pajamas

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