Monday, July 2, 2007

Excitement is overrated

I haven't blogged in a while. The reason being that the most interesting thing I have done lately is unload the dishwasher, and really, that wasn't all that exciting. Oh wait, now that I think about it, there was some dishwasher drama. Michael hates the way I load the dishwasher, which is a kind of chaos theory to clean dishes, so he usually starts the dishwasher and then I unload it, which is what happened this time. Except that he didn't start it. Or he didn't put in dishwasher detergent. We really aren't sure which one. either way, I was merrily going about unloading the dishwasher-- mugs and glasses first, then bowls, plates, and finally silverware. I was halfway through the plates before I realized we had a problem. We pre-rinse, so I just thought it was one or two plates that hadn't gotten clean, but further investigation showed me the magnitude of the situation.
"What the fuck?" I said, which miraculously tore Michael's attention away from the Sci-Fi channel. "What is the deal here?" I asked, holding up dirty silverware.
he said nothing, but peered inside the dishwasher, now mostly empty, for answers.
"You started the dishwasher, right?"
"I thought I did," he answered, and I knew we had trouble. I thought I did, is Michael's defense mechanism. he thinks that if he says "I thought I did" that somehow a spell of stupidity will be cast over me and I will naturally assume that the problem must lie with whatever inanimate object is in question, in this case-- the dishwasher. Because, he thought he started it, right? I mean, if he thought he did, then he really can't be blamed for any malfunction, right?
It's been a stressful time for us both. I understand that. So I opted to let the matter drop, but I told him there were now dirty dishes stowed where only clean dishes should be, and probably he should deal with that, which he did without argument. If dishwasher mishaps are the only excitement I'm to have just now, I should probably be grateful for my boredom.
I am back at work today. The return to pre-surgery normality is good for me. Plus it keeps me from having the time to think too much. I am a notorious think-too-mucher, and postsurgical thoughts are rarely pleasant. So I'm back at work, easing back into my ho-hum routine.

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