Friday, June 1, 2007

One Month on Blogger, Is Anybody out There?

today, I am a blogger for a month! Go me! Well okay, it isn't really a month yet, but I go to the "view my profile" link on my blog and it tells me that I have been on Blogger since may 2007. and now it's June. so for all blogger cares, I've been blogging for a month. Why, you might ask, do I visit the "view my profile" section of my blog? Presumably, I know me, right? well, that is where I find out how many people have viewed my profile, which is just now the only indicator I have that anyone is reading my blog, and frankly, that isn't going so well. 11 people have viewed my profile, and I'm pretty sure I'm nine of them. Why, you might wonder, don't I just get one of those site statistic program deals to tell me with far greater accuracy how many people have visited my blog? As it happens, I'm not what you'd call techno savvy. There is a reason I fell in love with a computer science major in college. the way to a man's heart might be through his stomach, but the way to mine was through my hard drive. (You there, out of the gutter!) So I haven't exactly figured out the whole website statistics game. Until I do, I'll just keep viewing my profile. If you're reading this now and that page says that 100 or more people have viewed my profile, it means that I all of a sudden got very popular-- or more likely, very bored.

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