Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What we said we wouldn't do

I am in the throws of pregnancy. What’s more, I now get to really indulge myself in it. My doctor, due to some very low-level concerns about my elevated blood pressure, has called a halt to me working. Fine by me. Working all day long, day after day, was starting to get difficult. So now I’m at home all day and find myself wandering into the nursery, petting baby clothes, sniffing baby lotion, and practicing raising and lowering the rails on the crib. As I walk around the room, I realize that what Michael and I swore wouldn’t happen, has indeed happened. We have fallen prey to the baby industrial complex.
We promised ourselves we wouldn’t. We scoffed—actually scoffed—at people who by at least one of absolutely every product marketed for babies. I mean really-- did we need a bouncy seat, swing, and a bassinette? No, we did not. But that’s what we’ve got. I try to console myself that two of those three things were gifts, but we did register for them. Once the doctor told us Sprout might come early, we sort of freaked a little. We went to Nashville to Babies R Us (it’s like they knew we were coming, probably the overwhelming smell of sucker, A.K.A. new parents) and bought anything and everything that we could ever maybe possibly need. We got the afore mentioned bassinette (we did have a coupon), a rocking chair (it was 20% off), a sling, and a crib set. Okay, I’ve got no justification for those last two. I know the sling makes us look like those overprotective attachment parent types, but I really think it is the safest way for me to carry the baby. And we got one that Michael and I both can wear. Honestly, I’m sort of jazzed about the sling. Maybe it stems from my love of bags and purses. What is a sling after all but a bag to carry a baby in? Plus, it’ll make me feel more confident carrying Sprout. I have nightmares about bumping his soft, not-completely-formed head on the corner going from the living room into the hallway.
The crib set though … $179 for a crib set? Yeah, we were over the top on that one. Even if it did come with curtains, that was too much money for what amounts to decoration. It is a beautiful crib set though. It has a great big moon and stars and it goes perfect with the paint and carpet. But $179? I know, I know. I managed to live most of my life without even knowing what a diaper stacker was, then suddenly, I just have to have one? It’s insanity I tell you, there’s no other explanation for it.
The upside of all this is that we are now ready for the baby to come. The furniture is all put together, the room is decorated, the rocking chair is ready and waiting. And though perhaps not priceless, the sense of relief I feel at that is worth a lot. Given the insane temperatures lately, it isn’t like I’ll be going out to do more shopping. I’ll just set the rocking chair by an air-conditioning vent, sip lemonade, and wait for motherhood to find me.

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