Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Things I Wish I Could Do

1. Play a musical instrument-- Well, I used to play the flute, but the flute doesn't lend itself to being an adult hobby. I wish I could play the piano, the guitar, the bagpipes, and the mandolin.
2. Speak French-- I have tried to learn a couple of times, but not planning on going to France anytime soon, I lack the motivation.
3. Knit lace-- I have tried this, but I simply don't have the patience for it. I'm not really a lace kind of person, but it would be nice for doing edgings on sleeves and towels and stuff.
4. Garden-- I'm actually going to give this one another try this spring. It just looks like so much fun, and it is extremely practical to grow your own vegetables, but I am such a girl when it comes to dirt and worms. Oooh, gross.
5. Pottery-- It's the start-up expense that keeps me from doing this one.
6. Touch my tongue to my nose.
7. Make wine-- This is something I always wanted to try. Wine can be made from lots of things, but I honestly don't know how it's done. I think it would be great for gifts or just to have for yourself.
8. Run-- It's good exercise, and it's faster than walking. But blind people don't make really good runners. The laws of physics are against us: The faster you're going, the harder the impact when you meet something.
9. Braid my own hair-- It's getting long now, and it's limp and lifeless from pregnancy. It would be nice to be able to wear it braided so it would be off my face and not look like I'm going to the gym.
10. Drive
11. Plan, cook, and eat healthy meals every night for dinner, even when I'm really tired.
12. Be easy going and free spirited and just let things roll off my back. This one is so beyond me, I don't really even try, I just dream about being this way.
13. Write in public places, like bookstores and coffee shops-- I'm too easily distracted.


Molly said...

I can touch my tongue to my nose. It's not a skill most people find that useful. I'd have wished for some other skill.

And I am so glad you don't play the bagpipes. I can't imagine what being the suitemate of a bagpipe player would have been like in college, particularly given your tendency to stay up half the night.

Treen said...

I can do the tongue thing too...I can also swallow it. It's really only good for freaking people out and getting dirty comments from guys.

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