Monday, November 19, 2007

A Public Service Announcement

Calling all bloggers. If you have word verification enabled on your blog, I cannot comment. Yes, there is a link to listen and type, and yes, in theory that should work, but it doesn't. It's a matter of switching from navigation mode to typing mode, and apparently, A.K.A. Google, didn't consult the makers of any popular screenreaders before programming their "listen and type" word verification feature, because-- let me repeat-- it doesn't work!, if you're paying attention out there, you've got a problem, and it makes you look like an idiot. When people comment on my blog, I very much want to reciprocate by commenting on theirs. It's blog etiquette, right? So this word verification crap is making me appear unmannered and impolite, and I really don't like that. For those of you who have word verification enabled, why? Do you have so much spam traffic that it's necessary? Did you even know you had it enabled? Have you got a fear of blind commenters? So I'm asking you, if you don't need it, turn it off.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I actually got some of my holiday shopping done this weekend. Trust me, this is not like me, but thanks to a serendipitous trip to Kohl's, where there happened to be a killer sale, I got lots of my list knocked out. It also helped that Michael's siblings decided not to exchange gifts. Woo Hoo! That's four people off my list with one phone call. And I got cheap gifts for some of the other people who fall into the "obligatory" category. Now, I can shop for the people I genuinely want to buy gifts for.
So I'm interested, who's on your obligatory list? Those people you'd really rather not have to spend time and money on? Don't worry, I won't tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate those things with a passion. Trust me, they're nearly impossible to do most of the time even if you're not blind. They show up inconsistently, some of the sites I use them only have them some of the time.

My entire family is on the obligatory list, simply because my close family consists of 17 people. Which means that Christmas causes a lot of stress making sure that everybody receives equally nice gifts, and that's difficult when you make 2.65 an hour plus tips.

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