Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Productivity Breeds Productivity

I have been absolutely swamped with work for my day job, the J.O.B. I knew it was coming-- this is the busy time of year where I work. I have been dreading these few weeks since early July, but I find there is a curious phenomenon at work here. The busier I am in one area of life, the more I get done in the other areas as well. This completely defies logic, but it seems to be true. When I am swamped at work, I find that I make the most of the limited time I have for my writing and for home stuff, and more gets done in all areas. Conversely, when I set aside an entire day for writing, my subconscious seems to say, "Well, since we've got the whole day, why not go ahead and check our favorite blogs. Oh, and let's do some knitting. And how about we spend just an hour or so reading." Next thing I know, it's 5 p.m., and the only writing I got done was a frantic paragraph-- guilt inspired-- begun upon realizing it was 4:50. What up with that?
One of the things that most concerned me about having a baby was that I might not have the time to write. Getting published has been a dream of mine for so long, I feared it being backburnered for anything, even for a baby. But now, I feel sure I'll be okay. I'll learn to use my time more efficiently, and make those fifteen minutes of free time really count.
I'm researching agents now. I think the process of getting published is as much about endurance and perseverance as anything. If you are talented and dedicated, you can write a book. and if you're determined enough (or crazy enough) to jump through the hoops that lead to publication, you can get your book on the bookstore shelves.
What I wouldn't give for a writing partner or a critique group right now, but there really isn't one to be found where I live.

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