Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The End ... maybe

With the end of the Harry Potter series, there is much talk of epilogues lately. as it happens, I am working on an epilogue of my own and am finding that it ain't so very easy. I have been writing on my fantasy romance for almost three (gulp) years now. I could say much about my creative process, but it can best be described as "slow." I'm cutting myself some slack though since I have had three brain operations during those almost three years. yes, possibly that is an excuse but really, can you think of a better one? So anyway, the book is finished (I'll wait while you cheer) except for the epilogue, which I thought I'd just crank out in a day or two. I'm slow, but hopeful, you see. But now it's been almost three weeks and still no epilogue, and I know exactly what the problem is. Oh yes, I know.
Once I get this book well and truly done, epilogue and all, then I have to begin the business of writing, and it really is a business. I have to write a summary, a synopsis, query agents, query more agents, and do countless other things that I probably don't even yet know that I have to do. I am not good with businessy stuff. Evaluating my day job's benefits package makes me twitch. Assessing retirement options gives me a rash. Just say "insurance form" to me and I start to hyperventilate. No, I am not good with business kinds of stuff, but if I ever want to be a full-time, published author-- and that is very much what I want-- then I'm just going to have to buck up and learn to deal with this stuff. The point is that it is just so much easier and so much less scary to keep rewriting this darned epilogue!

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