Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Holiday Break

Today is my last day before I begin a two-week holiday vacation. We aren't going anywhere, just staying home and making the usual holiday rounds. I will do some shopping, first for last minute gifts, and then for maternity clothes. Tops on the agenda is doing my usual home organization tasks. I always put this off until my December break. Foremost on that list is organizing my yarn and associated knitting crap. It has really gotten out of hand. My knitting stuff is currently in what will be the nursery, so we have to move it out of there and into the office, which will cease being an office and will become more of a catch-all room. I wish we had a bonus room or a den, but we don't. We just have a gigantic living room that despite its size, I try to keep clutter free. I have yarn for a baby blanket that I'm doing, but I can't in good conscience start the blanket until I get all my other unfinished projects wrangled into some kind of order. The new blanket will be done in a pale green cotton fleece yarn. It's a seashells and scallops pattern. I substituted for the yarn, so here's hoping it works out.
I'm looking forward to this break. I have so much on my mind lately-- pregnancy, the baby, and what life will be like after having the baby-- it will be good to be able to focus on those things without work. One thing I likely won't be doing much of over the break is blogging, but I'll try to post from time to time.
During my various family functions, I am going to listen closely to the conversations around me in hopes of being able to recount to you more like this one from Michael's family's Thanksgiving dinner:
Brother in law: "You might as well leave the drinks on the table. We have to keep refilling these fancy glasses that Mom likes to use."
Sister in law: "These glasses came from Arby's."

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